Freelance Digital Marketing Specialist

Hi! I’m Lauren. The first 2-3 years of my career were spent in a marketing position at an office that operates as a digital marketing agency. This work experience, along with my business degree and training taken during free time, provided me with a strong foundation on which to start a business. In 2018 I founded Inspired Assistance Services, and it’s been thriving ever since!

Over the past few years I discovered that content creation, search engine marketing and design are what I excel most at, and can provide the most value in for my clients. My marketing background allows me to produce content that is more effective in captivating the target audience.

I’m passionate about what I do and I have a naturally positive & optimistic personality, which carries over to my work and communication with my clients. I’d love to work with you!

For more information on my skills and experience, reach
out to me! I'll send you a copy of my resume + more

If you're interested in working
together, don't hesitate to reach out!